All 48 /1977-1999 0 /2000-2005 0 /2006-2010 0 /2011-2015 0 /2016-Under construction 0 /BIM Modeling 0 /Bridges 5 /Commercial and logistics 4 /Concrete structures 0 /Exhibition – Office 9 /Fire Resistance 0 /Foundations 0 /Industrial 13 /Parking garages 8 /Precast structures 0 /Renovations 6 /Residential 7 /Schools 6 /Seismic retrofitting 0 /Services 0 /Sport Facilities 6 /Steel structures 0 /Structural analyses 0
A1-A2 highway connection
Ampere 56, Milan
Automatic warehouse in Carpenedolo
Automatic warehouse in Garlasco
Bocconi Urban Campus
Building Constructors Association (Ance) in Lecco
Building renovation in Milan
Extension of the industrial complex Conserve Italia
Extension of the industrial complex Fater
Extension of the industrial complex Janssen
Extension of the Parma Sports Hall
Frozen warehouse in Calcio
Grand Hotel Campione d’Italia
Industrial building in Benevento
Industrial building in Caianello
Industrial building in Salerno
Logistic center with annexed offices
Logistics center
Logistics Gucci – Luxury Goods
New housing complex
Office center in Milan
Office center in Milan
Pasta factory “Arte e Pasta”
Pedestrians bridge in Cortemaggiore
Renovation in Lugano
Renovation in Milan
Renovation of office building
Renovation of office building
Renovation of the Olympic Stadium in Rome
Residential building in Milan
Residential building in Milan
Residential house
Residential house in Milan
Road bridge in Naples
Roofing of the new Ice Palace in Milan
School building in Calolziocorte
School building in Casatenovo
School building in Merate
School gym in Lecco
School gym in Lecco
Seismic retrofitting and renovation
Seismic retrofitting of an industrial building
Seismic retrofitting of industrial buildings
Seismic retrofitting of the museum Salterio “Officina del Gusto e del Paesaggio”
Sports tribune in Crema
Steel bridge
Underground parking garage in Milan
Underground parking garage in the historic center of Parma
All 48 /1977-1999 0 /2000-2005 0 /2006-2010 0 /2011-2015 0 /2016-Under construction 0 /BIM Modeling 8 /Bridges 5 /Commercial and logistics 0 /Concrete structures 24 /Exhibition – Office 0 /Fire Resistance 9 /Foundations 15 /Industrial 0 /Parking garages 0 /Precast structures 18 /Renovations 0 /Residential 0 /Schools 0 /Seismic retrofitting 6 /Services 0 /Sport Facilities 6 /Steel structures 8 /Structural analyses 18
Logistic center with annexed offices
Road bridge in Naples
Extension of the industrial complex Fater
Underground parking garage in the historic center of Parma
Pasta factory “Arte e Pasta”
A1-A2 highway connection
Seismic retrofitting of an industrial building
Renovation in Lugano
Office center in Milan
Industrial building in Salerno
Ampere 56, Milan
Extension of the Parma Sports Hall
Seismic retrofitting of the museum Salterio “Officina del Gusto e del Paesaggio”
Renovation of office building
Logistics Gucci – Luxury Goods
School building in Merate
Automatic warehouse in Carpenedolo
Residential building in Milan
School gym in Lecco
Sports tribune in Crema
Frozen warehouse in Calcio
Extension of the industrial complex Janssen
Seismic retrofitting and renovation
Office center in Milan
Steel bridge
Industrial building in Caianello
Underground parking garage in Milan
Seismic retrofitting of industrial buildings
School building in Calolziocorte
Residential house
Building renovation in Milan
Building Constructors Association (Ance) in Lecco
Roofing of the new Ice Palace in Milan
Renovation in Milan
Pedestrians bridge in Cortemaggiore
Renovation of the Olympic Stadium in Rome
Bocconi Urban Campus
Automatic warehouse in Garlasco
Industrial building in Benevento
New housing complex
Logistics center
Extension of the industrial complex Conserve Italia
Renovation of office building
Residential house in Milan
Grand Hotel Campione d’Italia
School building in Casatenovo
Residential building in Milan
School gym in Lecco
All 48 /1977-1999 8 /2000-2005 8 /2006-2010 7 /2011-2015 11 /2016-Under construction 15 /BIM Modeling 0 /Bridges 0 /Commercial and logistics 0 /Concrete structures 0 /Exhibition – Office 0 /Fire Resistance 0 /Foundations 0 /Industrial 0 /Parking garages 0 /Precast structures 0 /Renovations 0 /Residential 0 /Schools 0 /Seismic retrofitting 0 /Services 0 /Sport Facilities 0 /Steel structures 0 /Structural analyses 0
Seismic retrofitting of industrial buildings
Ampere 56, Milan
Building renovation in Milan
Industrial building in Salerno
Extension of the Parma Sports Hall
Extension of the industrial complex Janssen
Office center in Milan
Automatic warehouse in Garlasco
Extension of the industrial complex Fater
Grand Hotel Campione d’Italia
Residential house in Milan
Seismic retrofitting of the museum Salterio “Officina del Gusto e del Paesaggio”
Industrial building in Caianello
Frozen warehouse in Calcio
Pedestrians bridge in Cortemaggiore
Steel bridge
Renovation in Milan
School building in Calolziocorte
Seismic retrofitting of an industrial building
Seismic retrofitting and renovation
Renovation of office building
Underground parking garage in the historic center of Parma
New housing complex
Logistic center with annexed offices
Residential building in Milan
Extension of the industrial complex Conserve Italia
A1-A2 highway connection
Residential house
Logistics center
Industrial building in Benevento
Office center in Milan
Sports tribune in Crema
Underground parking garage in Milan
Renovation in Lugano
Automatic warehouse in Carpenedolo
Bocconi Urban Campus
School gym in Lecco
Pasta factory “Arte e Pasta”
Renovation of the Olympic Stadium in Rome
School building in Casatenovo
Logistics Gucci – Luxury Goods
Renovation of office building
Building Constructors Association (Ance) in Lecco
School building in Merate
Road bridge in Naples
Roofing of the new Ice Palace in Milan
Residential building in Milan
School gym in Lecco
Corso Matteotti, 3C
23900 LECCO - Italy
Phone +39 0341 366322